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As part of the 2020 NECA Virtual Conference, Protect CEO Michael Connolly explores what our data shows about employment in Victoria's electrical industry
After great sacrifice, Melbourne has been released from 112 days of lockdown. While we're excited to get back to some sort of normality, we will largely continue to work offsite as per the Victorian Premier's advice.
September 10 is the perfect opportunity to reach out to those we care about and make a simple welfare check. But what do you do if your mate says they're not ok?
Career firefighter Shane Cummins runs us through a day in the life of a first responder. There are over 3,400 professional career firefighters in Victoria. Unlike many other professions, they can’t work from home and at various times throughout their shifts, social distancing is impossible.
Six weeks of stage 4 lock down may impact the employment and mental health of Victorians. We can help.
Those that missed the live NECA COVID-19 Impact on Employment and Redundancies webinar featuring Protect CEO Michael Connolly can now view the recording here.
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. Look out for the signs on our checklist and know that you and your family have access to free and confidential counselling 24/7.
Severance account statements and income protection letters are mailed out in July and January each year, along with a copy of our newsletter 'The Buzz'... and now we're preparing to go paperless!
During this time of concern for health, employment and finances, Protect members are reminded that you have access to our free confidential counselling service 24/7.
Protect was established to assist workers when times are tough. We’re often assisting members when they’re having their worst day so anything we can do to help always feels rewarding.
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