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As an ETU Delegate, Adam 'Ads' Smith values trust, making connections and speaking up. He reminds us that it's normal human behaviour to get stressed out and that there's always options for support.
Talking about suicide, negative feelings and the resources available to you
ETU Delegate Kussy, regularly has a Field Officer visit on site to run through Protect benefits such as severance, so important in an industry that often sees redundancies.
The Vic government has allocated $191 million to fund the next stage of the Solar Homes Program. The ETU run a free course for their members interested inworking on the program, through the Centre for U.
UFU members have benefitted from Protect’s Income Protection for almost three years now. Members are extremely pleased at the range of service and depth of coverage
Protect’s income protection cover can also ‘top-up’ state based statutory insurance schemes like workers compensation (e.g. Workcover) and transport accident insurance (e.g. TAC).
The Maritime Union of Australia is leading the way by promoting Protect income protection in all our EBA’s.
Given the representation of field-based women in trades roles has sat at 2% over 30 years, NECA believes this needs to be substantially boosted over time for our industry.
You may view and download your statement from your Protect account through the workers portal. Find answers to frequently asked questions about account access here.
Protect and ADA Australia are pleased to announce a partnership in the delivery of workplace mental health support services, and of behavioural health and safety awareness around drugs and alcohol.
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