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We wish Michael well in retirement

Protect’s Chairman, Michael Anderson, retired from the Board in September. Michael joined the Board in 2010 as an independent director with significant experience in the investment industry. His expertise helped steer the fund into a strong financial position coming out of the global financial crisis of 2008-09. Michael then became Chairman of the Board in 2016. He brought out the best in directors, encouraged contributions from all and ensured the Board always considered the best interests of members. We thank Michael for his service to Protect and wish him well in retirement.

Welcome Sue

We are pleased to welcome Sue Carter as Protect’s new independent Chairman. Sue has been a Protect director since February 2016 and has Chaired the Audit & Risk Committee since then. Sue’s strength is in corporate governance, having been a facilitator of governance courses for the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and is a past ASIC Regional Commissioner for Victoria. Sue is a chartered accountant and is an experienced director, holding board positions with First State Super and ANZ Australian Staff Superannuation.

Mark joins us as an independent director

Mark Engeman was appointed by the Board in April 2019 to replace Michael Anderson as an independent director. Mark’s experience comes from a range of financial market and technology roles with CRA Limited, State Bank Victoria, Australian Wheat Board and SunGard data systems. He is currently the Deputy Managing Director and Corporation Secretary at Treasury Corporation Victoria. Mark will assume the Chairmanship of the Protect Audit and Risk Committee from Sue Carter. We are pleased to have an experienced professional such as Mark as an independent director.

Mark Engeman pictured right with CEO Michael Connolly and Chairman Sue Carter

Published Tuesday 14 January, 2020